Get started on your journey to better financial education in your classroom with Free primary school resources and Teacher training.

Discover LifeSavers, our financial education programme, delivered free to primary schools. Explore a wide range of cross curriculum resources that are fully adaptable and help children form healthy money habits.

Designed by our specialist financial education team, these resources:

  • Are fully adaptable to meet the needs and teaching approach of your and your school.

  • Provide high-quality resources and training that helps upskill teachers and students in financial literacy.

  • Are constantly reviewed and updated in line with cross curricular subjects including Maths, Citizenship and PSHE.

  • Are suitable across the whole Primary School children from EYFS to KS2!

  • Made by teachers, for teachers!

We work directly with teachers, educators and schools to provide a wide range of curriculum linked classroom resources and practical activities to engage children with financial education from a young age.

Fill out our form and discover how we can help support you and your school!

Get Started!

Talk to us to find our more about our LifeSavers Programmes, pilots and training.
We will keep your personal details safe and will not share them with third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the emails. For more information please visit our privacy policy:
What happens next?

We will assign you a specialist who will email you. They will arrange a meeting with you to discuss the next steps and how to sign up as a LifeSavers School.